This installation will allow you to re-install version 5.0 on a computer that is already registered for version 5.0.
Use this to install CNS on a new computer if you are moving an existing installation from another computer. 

This installation will allow you to re-install version 4.4 on a computer that is already registered for version 4.4.
Use this to install CNS on a new computer if you are moving an existing installation from another computer.

This installation will allow you to re-install version 3.0 on a computer that is already registered for version 3.0.
Use this to install CNS on a new computer if you are moving an existing installation from another computer. 

This installation will allow you to upgrade from version 4.4 to version 5.0 if you have purchased the upgrade.

This installation will allow you to upgrade from version 3.0 to version 4.4  if you have purchased the upgrade.

This installation will allow you to upgrade from any previous version to version 3.3 if you have purchased the upgrade.